Archery Classes

Beginner Archery

Eligibility: Ages 7 and up.

Skills Offered:

  • Archery safety
  • History of Archery
  • Understanding of Commands
  • Proper preparation, shooting, and arrow retrieval techniques
  • Archery equipment uses and upkeep

Fees: TBA

Program Timeline: Fall and spring sessions offered – check our online registration portal for current availability.

Class Location: Lynn View Community Center (257 Walker Street)

Class Registration: Register online or in person at V.O. Dobbins, Sr. Complex (301 Louis Street)

For More Information, Contact (423) 343-9723


Advanced Archery

Eligibility: Must have completed the Beginner Archery class.

Fees: TBA

Program Timeline: 1 Spring Session

Class Location: Lynn View Community Center (257 Walker Street)

Class Registration: V.O. Dobbins, Sr. Complex (301 Louis Street)

For More Information, Contact (423) 343-9723

Miracle League of Kingsport

How to Register: 

Click here to access the Kingsport Parks and Recreation Catalog.
Click “Youth League” (17 & under) or “Adult League” (18 & older)
Click “KPR Athletics Miracle League”.
If this is your first time registering on our CivicRec system, you will need to create an account.

You may also register in person at the Athletics Office (301 Louis Street).


Ages 17 & Under
Ages 18 & Older



2021 Brickyard Park Drive
Kingsport, TN 37660

Miracle League (Spring)

Registration Period: TBA
Late registrations will be accepted at no cost.
Games Played: Saturdays in May and June

Miracle League (Fall)

Registration Period: TBA
Games Played: Saturdays in September and October


For more information, please contact 423-224-2489.

Homeschool P.E.

This class is designed to help promote fitness and activities for home school children. Each class will focus on learning new agilities and drills for motor skills development. Classes will also consist of a fun and exciting team game or sport.


Ages 6 and up.


$15 per month per child


Register online through our convenient CivicRec catalog! 

Program Timeline:

November – May


V.O. Dobbins, Sr. Complex (301 Louis Street)

For more information, please call (423) 224-2489.


Summer Program

KPR Summer Program

Kingsport Parks and Recreation is excited to welcome families back for a fun-filled summer!

Kingsport Parks and Recreation Summer Program is open to children ages 6-12 years old. (If your child is not yet 6, they must have completed kindergarten and turn 6 by September 1st)

Activities include swimming, sports camps, on-site activities and games, & much more! Breakfast and lunch will be provided. Each site has a maximum registration limit and site availability cannot be guaranteed. Participants are registered on a first come, first serve basis.

For 2024 camps, participants will need to back a lunch and snack for each day during the month of July. Breakfast and lunch will be provided in June


Program Information:

  • V.O. Dobbins, Sr. Complex
      • $100.00 City residents
      • $120.00 Non-city residents

Registration Information:

Registration can be completed online or in-person at V.O. Dobbins, Sr. Complex (301 Louis Street, Kingsport).

For more information, please contact Renee Ensor  at 423-224-2489.

Youth Soccer (Spring)

Program Administrator:
Tri-Cities United / Kingsport Rec Soccer

Click here to register with Tri-Cities United / Kingsport Rec Soccer. 

All children who qualify for the offered age groups are eligible to participate.


There are two divisions offered by Kingsport Rec Soccer:

Rec Soccer – This division is open to players ages 2 to 11 who are primarily devoted to the enjoyment and love of the game without a strong emphasis on competition. Players meet twice a week—on a weekday evening and on Saturdays.

Tribe Soccer – This division is open to players ages 7 to 14 who are interested in competitive soccer and committed to attending additional training and games, as well as developing skills on their own. Players meet 3 to 4 times a week.

Fees: Contact

Eastman Park at Horse Creek

Volunteer coaches are needed. For more information about becoming a volunteer coach contact Shane Davis at 423-408-8144.

For more information, please contact Shane Davis at 423-408-8144 or

More information can be found on the Tri Cities United / Kingsport Rec Soccer website. 

Youth Soccer (Fall)

Program Administrator:
Tri-Cities United / Kingsport Rec Soccer

Click here to register with Tri-Cities United / Kingsport Rec Soccer. 

All children who qualify for the offered age groups are eligible to participate.


There are two divisions offered by Kingsport Rec Soccer:

Rec Soccer – This division is open to players ages 3 to 12 who are primarily devoted to the enjoyment and love of the game without a strong emphasis on competition. Players meet twice a week—on a weekday evening and on Saturdays.

Tribe Soccer – This division is open to players ages 8 to 15 who are interested in competitive soccer and committed to attending additional training and games, as well as developing skills on their own. Players meet 3 to 4 times a week.

Fees: Contact

Eastman Park at Horse Creek

Volunteer coaches are needed. For more information about becoming a volunteer coach contact Shane Davis at 423-408-8144.

For more information, please contact Shane Davis at 423-408-8144 or

More information can be found on the Tri Cities United / Kingsport Rec Soccer website. 

Youth Outdoor Volleyball (Summer)

All teams who qualify for the offered age groups are eligible to participate

Leagues offered:
12U – Teams
14U – Teams

A $15.00 registration fee per player plus a non-resident fee of $2.00 per player who lives outside of the City of Kingsport is required.

Legion Field at Civic Auditorium

Registration Period: Early May – end of May
Leagues Begin: After Memorial Day
Leagues End: Early July

During the league registration period, volunteers, 18 years or older, will need to inform the Athletics’ Office of their interest. Volunteers will be selected by the Athletics Office before the season begins and upon selection, will be sent a link via email, to complete a background check.

For More Information:
Call (423) 229-9460

Youth Open Gym

Youth Open Gym

Eligibility: Youth 18 and under

Program Offered: Basketball Open Gym

Fee: No Fee

Locations: V.O. Dobbins, Sr. Complex (301 Louis St, Kingsport) & Lynn View Community Center (257 Walker St, Kingsport)

Timeline: August-May (V.O. Dobbins) Monday-Friday 3:00-5:30 (Lynn View) Monday – Friday 3:00-5:30


For More Information, Contact (423) 343-9723 or (423) 224-2489

Youth Basketball (Winter)

How to Register: 

Click here to access the Kingsport Parks and Recreation Catalog.
Click “Youth Leagues”
Click “KPR Athletics Youth Basketball” and select the desired league.
If this is your first time registering on our CivicRec system, you will need to create an account.

You may also register in person at V.O. Dobbins, Sr. Complex (301 Louis Street).

All children who are residents of the City of Kingsport, whose parents own property in the City of Kingsport, or children who attend Kingsport City Schools are eligible to participate.

Leagues offered:
Bantam– (Ages 5-6 Coed)
Pee Wee Boys – (Ages 7-8)
Pee Wee Girls – (Ages 7-9)
Rookie Boys – (Ages 9-10)
Junior Boys – (Ages 11-12)
Junior Girls – (Ages 10-12)
Intermediate Boys – (Ages 13-14)
Senior Boys – (Ages 15-17)

Fees: $30 per participant ($15 late fee)

League Timeline:
Registration Period (5-6 BTM, 7-8 PWB, 7-9 PWG, 9-10 RB, 15-17 SB): September
Leagues Begin: Early November
Leagues End: Mid December

Registration Period (10-12 JG, 11-12 JB, 13-14 IB): mid-November to mid-December
Leagues Begin: Late January
Leagues End: Late March

During the league registration period, volunteers, 18 years or older, will need to inform the Athletics Office of their interest. Volunteers will be selected by the Athletics Office before the season begins and upon selection, will be sent a link via email to complete a background check.

For More Information:
Call (423) 229-9460 or (423) 343-9723

Youth Baseball/Softball (Spring)

How to Register: 

Click here to access the Kingsport Parks and Recreation Catalog.
Click “Youth Leagues”
Click “KPR Athletics Youth Baseball-Softball” and select the desired league.
If this is your first time registering on our CivicRec system, you will need to create an account.

You may also register in person at V.O. Dobbins, Sr. Complex (301 Louis Street).

Eligibility: All children who are residents of the City of Kingsport, whose parents own property in the City of Kingsport, or children who attend Kingsport City Schools are eligible to participate.
Age Determination Date: August 15th of the previous year.
Leagues offered:
T-Ball (Ages 5-6)
Coach Pitch Baseball (Ages 7-8)
Coach Pitch Softball (Ages 7-9)
Rookie Baseball Machine Pitch (Ages 9-10)
Junior Softball Machine Pitch (Ages 10-12)
Junior Baseball (Ages 11-12)
Intermediate Softball (Ages 13-15)
Intermediate Baseball (Ages 13-15)

Fees: $30 per participant ($15 late fee)
League Timeline:
Registration Period (5-6 TB, 7-8 CPB, 7-9 CPS, 9-10 RB): Mid February – Early March
Registration Period (10-12 JS, 11-12 JB, 13-15 IS, 13-15 IB): Mid March – Early April
Leagues Begin: Early April
Leagues End: Late June
Registration Period (Ages 13-15 Boys & 13-15 Girls): Mid March – Early April
Leagues Begin: Late April
Leagues End: Mid July
Domtar Park
Brickyard Park
Miracle Park 
During the league registration period, volunteers, 18 years or older, will need to inform the Athletics’ Office of their interest. Volunteers will be selected by the Athletics Office before the season begins and upon selection, will be sent a link via email, to complete a background check.
For More Information:
Call (423) 229-9459

Youth Baseball/Softball (Fall)

How to Register: 

Click here to access the Kingsport Parks and Recreation Catalog.
Click “Youth Leagues”
Click “KPR Athletics Youth Baseball-Softball” and select the desired league.
If this is your first time registering on our CivicRec system, you will need to create an account.

You may also register in person at V.O. Dobbins, Sr. Complex (301 Louis Street).

All children who are residents of the City of Kingsport, whose parents own property in the City of Kingsport, or children who attend Kingsport City Schools are eligible to participate.

Age Determination Date:

Fall Programs: August 15 of the current year

Leagues offered:
T-Ball (Ages 5-6)

Coach Pitch Baseball (Ages 7-8)

Coach Pitch Softball (Ages 7-9)

Rookie Baseball Machine Pitch (Ages 9-10)

Junior Softball Machine Pitch (Ages 10-12)

Junior Baseball (Ages 11-12)

Intermediate Baseball (Ages 13-15)

Intermediate Softball (Ages 13-15)

Fees: $30 per participant ($15 late fee)

League Timeline:
5-6 TB, 7-8 CPB, 7-9 CPS, 9-10 RB
Registration Period: July
Leagues Begin: early August
Leagues End: early October

10-12 JS, 11-12 JB
Registration Period: mid-July to early August
Leagues begin: Late August
Leagues end: mid-October

Domtar Park
Brickyard Park
Miracle Park

During the league registration period, volunteers, 18 years or older, will need to inform the Athletics’ Office of their interest. Volunteers will be selected by the Athletics Office before the season begins and upon selection, will be sent a link via email, to complete a background check.

For More Information:
Call (423) 229-9459