Open dawn to dark, except when scheduled for events.
J. Fred Johnson Park
J. Fred Johnson Park, located at the intersection of Fort Henry Drive and North Eastman Road, is a 6 acre community park. This park was the first city park created in Kingsport, Tennessee.
Park Amenities:
A few pieces of playground equipment for ages 3-6 years, park benches, and the Veterans Memorial.
Veterans Memorial
Phase one of the Veterans Memorial was dedicated on November 11, 2008. Phase two was dedicated November 11, 2015.
Features include:
- 2100 inscribed pavers with the names of fallen soldiers who gave their lives in service to our country from World War I through the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Battleships, veterans and military achievements are also honored on the pavers.
- Six 7-foot tall black granite monoliths that bear maps of the theaters of operation where soldiers served. All veterans who gave their lives in conflict are honored on these. A section of the Memorial that pays tribute to each branch of the Armed Services.
- An engraved-in relief walkway that identifies engagements in various wars
- Ornamental landscaping
- Resting benches
- Decorative lighting
- A granite/bronze tribute to the Kingsport Garden Club for the Dogwoods planted in memoriam of the veterans
- Over 450 tons pounds of red granite from India
- A lighted flag pole with American and POW flags
- Sponsorship plaques recognizing all the donors and contributors
- A touchscreen kiosk that allows visitors to search for a veteran’s paver either by name or branch of service, and will display a map of where that paver is located in the memorial.
- You can explore the park’s history and see other information about the Veteran’s Memorial by visiting
J. Fred Johnson Park and Veterans Memorial is open dawn to dark, except when scheduled for events.
For more information contact 423-229-9457.
The Park features include:
- Memorials
- Pet-Friendly
- Playgrounds
- Public Art