Open dawn to dark, except when scheduled for events.
Borden Park
Borden Park is a 17 acre neighborhood park with many recreation components.
Park features close at dark, but tennis is permitted until 11:00 PM.
Park Amenities:
- Arboretum
- Basketball Courts
- Birding
- Cornhole Boards
- Disc Golf
- Grills
- Park Benches
- Pet Friendly
- Picnic Shelters / Pavilions (may be rented online)
- Picnic Tables
- Playgrounds
- Rental Features
- Restrooms
- Tennis Courts
- Walking Trails
Borden Park FAQ's
Can the disc golf course be rented for tournaments?
The disc golf course may be rented for a tournament, with appropriate permits and insurance. Please contact our offices at 423-343-9723 or 423-224-2489 for assistance with booking the disc golf course.
Can the tennis courts be rented for tournaments?
For rental inquiries about Kingsport Parks and Recreation courts, contact 423-343-9723 or 423-224-2489.
What are the guidelines for renting a Kingsport Parks and Recreation picnic shelter?
Renter agrees to:
- pay for any undue clean up and/or damages as a result of their use
- to pay for any additional service, security or equipment needed that is not provided by the City of Kingsport, and to comply with all the rules and ordinances of the City of Kingsport.
- Agree to hold the City of Kingsport and its employees harmless for any claims for injury or damages to persons or property arising out of or occurring during the use of said facility/facilities.
NOTE: No alcoholic beverages allowed on public property, except where a temporary beer license authorizing the sale of beer on public property has been issued to a bona fide charitable or nonprofit organization or bona fide political organization pursuant to Kingsport City Code section 6-223(d)(2). Sale or dispensing of beer on public property must be authorized by the Kingsport Beverage Board and the Kingsport Parks and Recreation Department.
Sponsor is responsible for general clean-up of facilities and grounds.
Which parks have picnic shelters that may be reserved?
The following parks have picnic shelters that may be reserved: Borden Park, Riverview Park, Greenbelt, Miracle Field, Boatyard/Riverfront Park, Preston Forest Park, Riverwalk Park, Rotary Park, and Rotherwood Park. The Gazebo at Glen Bruce Park may also be rented. Some shelters are fee based and others are a first come/first serve basis. Please call 423-229-9457 for more information.